Mindful Meal Planning and Prep for Busy People

mindful eating podcast episode

Episode 8: Mindful Meal Planning and prep for Busy People




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Welcome to Mindful Eating and Inner Healing, your guide to living life with intention and savouring every delicious moment.

Today, we're stepping into the world of mindful meal planning and preparation. Meal planning and prep might sound like mundane tasks, but trust me, there's magic in the method.

It's not just about saving time and money (although that's a sweet bonus). It's about nourishing your body, mind, and soul with every bite.

Think of it as your culinary roadmap to wellness. By taking the time to plan and prepare your meals mindfully, you're not only making healthier choices but also cultivating a deeper connection to the food you eat.

So, grab a pen and paper (or your favourite meal planning app) and get ready to embark on a journey of flavour, nourishment, and self-discovery. Because when you approach meal planning with mindfulness and intention, every meal becomes a celebration of life's abundance. Let's dive in!

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Larissa xx

P.S If you love to read the transcript has been included below.


Our Fave Episode Quotes


 "A little bit of planning up front can save you heaps of time and stress down the road."


"What are your intentions for your family's health and your own health?"


"Remember that mindful meal planning isn't just about what you put on your plate, it's about the intention and attention you bring to the entire experience of eating."


Podcast Transcript

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